1. E. Maleki, S. Koohi, Z. Kavehvash, A. Mashaghi, “OptCAM: An ultra‐fast all‐optical architecture for DNA variant discovery.” Journal of Biophotonics 13 (1), e201900227.
  2. F. Shateri, S. Behzadfar, Z. Kavehvash,”Improved depth resolution and depth-of-field in temporal integral imaging systems through non-uniform and curved time-lens array” Optics Express 28 (5), 6261-6276.
  3. K. Arik, O. Hemmatyar, Z. Kavehvash,”Beam manipulation by hybrid plasmonic-dielectric metasurfaces.” Plasmonics 15 (3), 639-645.
  4. F. Shateri, M. H. Alizadeh, Z. Kavehvash,”Temporal super resolution imaging inspired by structured illumination microscopy” Optics Communications 467, 125742.
  5. M. Ghaneizad, Z. Kavehvash, H. Fathi, M. A. Ghezelghaya, “Incoherent holographic optical phase conjugation for imaging through a scattering medium” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-10.
  6. M. A. Ghezelghaya, M. Mirsalehi, S. I. Mirzaei, Z. Kavehvash, M. Fardmanesh, “Image Quality Improvement in Single Pixel IR-Imaging” 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-5