- S. AbdollahRamezani, K. Arik, A. Khavasi, and Z. Kavehvash, “analog computing using graphene-based metalines“, Opt. Lett., vol. 40, No. 22, 5239-5242, 2015.
- S. AbdollahRamezani, K. Arik, S. Farajollahi, A. Khavasi, Z. Kavehvash, “Beam manipulating by gate-tunable graphene-based metasurfaces“, Optics letters, 40 (22), 5383-5386, 2015.
- Zh. EsnaAshari, Z. Kavehvash and K. Mehrany, “Diffraction Influence on the Field of View and Resolution of Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display technology, vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 553-559, July 2014.
- زهرا کاوه وش، خشایار مهرانی، “فوتونیک هزاره جدید در علوم زیستی”، فصلنامه آموزش مهندسی ایران، مقاله شش دوره شانزدهم شماره شصت و دو تابستان نود و سه صفحه 81-99،
- Z. Kavehvash, M. M. Corral, K. Mehrany, S. Bagheri, G. Saavedra, and H. Navarro, “Three-Dimensional Resolvability in an Integral Imaging System”, Journal of OSA A, vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 525-530, April 2012.
- Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany, and S. Bagheri, “Improved resolution three-dimensional integral imaging using optimized irregular lens-array structure”, Appl. Opt., vol. 51, No. 25, pp. 6031-6037, September 2012.
- Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany and S. Bagheri, “Spatial Frequency Multiple Access Technique in Three-dimensional Integral Imaging”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 138-144, March 2012.
- Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany and S. Bagheri, “Optimization of the Lens-array Structure for Performance Improvement of Integral Imaging”, Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 20, pp. 3993-3995, Oct. 2011.
- S. Bagheri, Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany, and B. Javidi, “A fast optimization method for extension of depth-of-field in three-dimensional task-specific imaging systems“, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 412-421, Oct. 2010.
- Z. Kavehvash and F. Massoumian, “Coding and decoding in a point-to-point communication using the polarization of the light beam,”, Appl. Opt., vol. 47, no. 17, pp. 2680-2686, Jun. 2008.
- Zh. Esnaashari, Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany, “Fourier Optics Approach in Evaluation of the Diffraction and Defocus Aberration in Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging”, CompIMAGE (Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications), 3rd Edition, September 2012.
- Z. Kavehvash, M. Martinez-Corral, K. Mehrany, “3D Resolution in Computationally Reconstructed Integral Photography”, Proc. SPIE Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, Paper Number: 8384-42, April 2012.
- Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany and S. Bagheri, “Field-of-View Extension Using Code Division Multiple Access Technique: Numerical Analysis”, in Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI), OSA Technical Digest (CD), 2011.
- Z. Kavehvash, K. Mehrany and S. Bagheri, “Field-of-View Extension Using Frequency Division Multiple Access Technique: Numerical Analysis”, Proc. SPIE 8043, 80430F, 2011.
- Z. Kavehvash, M. Rajaii, A.M. Birjandi, H. Gholamrezaei and A. Gholamrezaei, “An energy efficient refractive structure for energy concentration on PV cells,” IEEE EnergyCon 2010, pp. 648-651, Dec. 2010.
- Z. Kavehvash and Sh. Ghaemmaghami, “On Limits of Embedding in 3D Images based on 2D Watson’s Model”, Digital Watermarking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6526. ISBN 978-3-642-18404-8, Oct. 2010.
- Z. Kavehvash, S. Bagheri and K. Mehrany, “Extension of Depth of Field using Amplitude Modulation of the Pupil Function for Bio-imaging,” Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7690: Three Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2010 Conference, invited, April 2010.
- Z. Kavehvash and F. Massoumian, “Implementation of holographic CDMA with SLM and multiple access capability,” 13th ICOP Conf., 2007