1- A. Hekmati, M. Vakilian, M. Fardmanesh, “Mechanical Force Optimization on Superconductor Element of Shield-type Superconducting Fault Current Limiters,” proceedings of the 3rd power electronics, drive systems& Technologies conference, Feb. 2012, Tehran, Iran
2- R. Hassani, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, “Three Phase Transformer Inrush Current Suppression through Synchronized Energization employing Jiles-Atherton Modeling and PSO Optimization, proceedings of the 6th power systems protection and control conference, Jan. 2012, Tehran, Iran.
4-V. P. Darabad, H. Jahangir and M. Vakilian, “Data mining of Partial Discharge signals of different insulation Defect Models ,” proceedings of the 3rd Partial Discharge Conference, March 2012, Tehran, Iran.
5- H. Jahangir, V.P. Darabad, M. Vakilian, “A New Scale Dependent Wavelet Selection Method for De-noising Partial Discharge signals,” proceedings of the 3rd Partial Discharge Conference, March 2012, Tehran, Iran.
6- J. Mahmoudi, M. Eisaei, N. Heidarian, and M. Vakilian,”Withstand Voltage Enhancement and Surface Discharge Reduction in Three parts (HDPE, EVA, NANO-CLAY) Insulation,” proceedings of the 3rd Partial Discharge Conference, March 2012, Tehran, Iran.
7-E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, P. Rezaei, “Precise Determination of Distribution Transformer No-load Losses through FEM Modeling, Optimization of the Building Factor, and Air Gap,” The proceedings of PSC, Oct. 2010, Tehran, Iran.
8- H. Jahangir, V. Parvin, ‘’Identification of partial Discharge Sources of Transformer Solid, Insulation Defect Models Using Textural and Statistical features,’’ Proceedings of Partial Discharge Conference, PDC2013, Tehran, Iran, 26, 27 February 2013.
9- V. Parvin, M. Vakilain, T. Phung and T.R. Blackburn, ‘’Texture Analysis of Power Transformer Defect Model Recorded PD Signals’ CWT, ‘’ Proceedings of Partial Discharge Conference, PDC2013, Tehran, Iran, 26, 27 February 2013.
10- Rastegarfar, N ; Kashanizadh, B ; Vakilian, M ;Barband, S.A. ‘’Optimal placement of fast charging station in a typical microgrid in Iran,’’ 2013, 10 th International Conference on European Energy Market (EEM), pp. 1-7.
11- Darabi, Z.; Falahati, B.; Vakilian, M.,’’ Application of IEC 61850-enabled SAS in CBF Protection of Transformers,’’ Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2013 IEEE PES, pp. 1-6.
12- Falahati, B.; Darabi, Z.; Vakilian, M.; Yong Fu, ’’Permanent Data Loss in Highly Available Substation Automation Systems,’’ Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2013 IEEE PES, pp. 1-6.
13- Falahati, B.; Darbi, Z.; Yong Fu; M. Vakilian, ‘’ Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Substation Automation Systems,’’ IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2012, pp. 1-7.
14- Mahmoudi, J.; Eisaei, M.; Vakilian, M., “Improvement of Breakdown Voltage, and Mitigation of the Surface Discharge in a Triple Insulation Combined of HDPE, EVA, and Nano-Clay, ‘’ Proceedings of PDC2012 Conference, March 7and 8, 2012, Tehran, Iran, pp1-7.
15- Rezaei, P.; Vakilian, M.; Hajipour, E.; ‘’ Reconfiguration and capacitor placement in radial distribution systems for loss reduction and reliability enhancement ,’’ Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), 2011 16th International Conference on
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISAP.2011.6082180
Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 6
16- Motalleb, M.; Vakilian, M.; Abbaspour, A.; “ Tank shielding contribution on reduction of Eddy current losses in power transformers,” Pulsed Power Conference, 2009. PPC '09. IEEE Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/PPC. 2009.5386382, Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 641 – 645.
17- Bigdeli, M.; Vakilian, M.; Rahimpour, E.; Azizian, D.; ‘’ Transformer winding diagnosis using comparison of transfer function coefficients,’’ Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2011 8th International Conference on
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ECTICON.2011.5947931 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 681 – 683.
18- Rezaei, P.; Vakilian, M.; ’’ Distribution system efficiency improvement by reconfiguration and capacitor placement using a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm,’’ Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 2010 IEEE Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/EPEC.2010.5697205 Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 1 – 6.
19- Darabad, V.P.; Vakilian, M.; ‘’ Data mining on partial discharge signals of power transformer's defect models,’’ Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2010 45th International Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 1 – 6.
20- Hajipour, E.; Vakilian, M.; ‘’Accurate Protection Current Transformer Parameters Determination Method under High Noise Immunity,’’ accepted for presentation in ICEE2015, May 2015, Tehran, Iran.
21- Firuzi, K.; Parvin, V.; Vakilian, M.; ‘’ Identification of metal particles in transformer oil using partial discharge signals,’’ accepted for presentation in ICEE2015, May 2015, Tehran, Iran.
22- Moradnouri, Ahmad; Elhaminia, P.; Vakilian, M.’’ Introduction of Dimensional Approach to Evaluation of Distribution Transformer Short Circuit Forces,’’ accepted for presentation in ICEE2015, May 2015, Tehran, Iran.
23- - 
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25- Ameli, A.; Davari Nejad, E.; Kamyab, F., Vakilian, M.; Haghifam, M.R. ‘’ A Novel Simultaneous Reconfiguration and Capacitor Switching Method to Improve Distribution Networks Operation,’’ the 14 EEEIC2014, International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering.
26- M. R. Rahimi, R. Javadinezhad, Mehdi Vakilian, M.; ‘‘DC Partial Discharge Characteristics for Corona, Surface and Void Discharges,’’ 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), Sydney, Australia, July 2015, pp. 260-263.
27- K. Firuzi, M. Vakilian, ‘’Identification of Free Conducting Particles in Transformer Oils Using PD Signals,’’ 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), Sydney, Australia, July 2015, pp. 724-727.
28- R. Rostaminia, M. Saniei, M. Vakilian, ‘’ Effects of Transformer Core Modeling on Partial Discharge Current Pulses Simulation Accuracy,’’ 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), Sydney, Australia, July 2015, pp. 664-667.
29- Bamdad Falahati, Member, IEEE, Mehdi Vakilian, Senior Member, IEEE, Yong Fu, Senior Member, IEEE, ‘’Online Data Loss in Substation Automation Systems,’’ IEEE T&D 2015 Conference and Exhibition, 2015.
30- A. Moradnouri, P. Elhaminia, M. Vakilian,’’Amorphous Triangular Cores to Improve Distribution Transformer Design,’’ ITCE 2015, Tehran, Tarasht Power Plant, pp. 1-5.
31- M. Gholami, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’ A Single Phase Transformer Equivalent Circuit for Accurate Turn to Turn Fault Modeling,’’ ICEE 2016, accepted for
Presentation, May 2016, Shiraz, Iran.
32- P. Elhaminia, M. Vakilian, ‘’Frequency Response Features of a Multi-Objective Wind Turbine Transformer Design,’’ ICEE 2016, accepted for Presentation, May 2016, Shiraz, Iran.
33- Amir Borzooy, Mehdi Vakilian, ‘’A New Noise-Immune Method to Detect Protective CT Saturation and Its Release. Instants,’’ IEEE International Conference on Power & Renewable Energy, Oct. 21-23, 2016, Shanghai, China.
34- P. Elhaminia, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’Derivation of a Low Frequency Model for 3D Wound Core Transformer,’’ Accepted for ICEE 2017, May 2017,KTN niversity,
35- N. Farzin, M. Vakilian, E. Hajipour ‘’Transformer Practical Turn-to-Turn Fault Detection Performance Using Negative Sequence and Space Vector-based Methods,’’ 13 th. Conference on Protection and Automation of Power System, 8-9 January 2019, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, pp. 1-6.
36- A. Moradnouri, M. Vakilian, A. Hekmati, M. Fardmanesh,’’The Impact of Multilayered Flux Diverters on Critical Current in HTS Transformer Windings,’’ accepted for presentation in 27 th Iran Electrical Engineering Conference ICEE-2019, April 2019, Yazd, Iran.
37 - R. Sardast, M. Faghihi, M. Vakilian, ‘’ Study on Different Dimensions of C-type Corona Rings in 400 kV Insulator Strings Based on FEM Analysis of Electric Field Distribution,’’ Proceeding of 27 th Iran Electrical Engineering Conference ICEE-2019, Yazd, Iran, pp.1-6.
38- M. Bahrami, M. Vakilian, H. Farzin, “Distribution System Resilience Enhancement through Restoration Paths between DERs and Critical Loads,’’ Proceeding of 24th Electrical Power Distribution Conference, 19 and 20 June 2019, Khoram Abad, Iran, pp. 1-5.
39- A. Abedini, M. Eshaghi, M. Vakilian, ‘’Line Composite Insulators Condition Monitoring Through Partial Discharge Measurement,’’ 34 th. International Power System Conference (PSC2019), 8-10 Dec. 2019, Tehran, Iran.
40- M. Eshaghi, A. Abedini, M. Vakilian, ’’A comprehensive Condition Assessment Method for Line Composite Insulator Asset Management,’’ 34 th. International Power System Conference (PSC2019), 8-10 Dec. 2019, Tehran, Iran.
41- M. Vakilian, R. Behzadi, M. Godarzi, ‘’A Classification Algorithm for Line Silicon Rubber Insulators Aging Through Analysis of Quadruple Tests Results,’’ 34 th. International Power System Conference (PSC2019), 8-10 Dec. 2019, Tehran, Iran.
42- P. Elhaminia, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, '' Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Flux Density in 3D Wound Core Transformer,’’ 34 th. International Power System Conference (PSC2019), 8-10 Dec. 2019, Tehran , Iran.
43- S. Rezaei Moghadam, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, M. Ehsan, ‘’ Improvement in Voltage Recovery Delay Phenomenon under Short Circuit Faults,’’ 34 th. International Power System Conference (PSC2019), 8-10 Dec. 2019, Tehran , Iran.
44- A. Moradnouri, M. Hajiaghapour, M. Vakilian, ‘’ A Framework for Economic and Low Harmonic Loss Distribution Transformer Selection based on Ecodesign Directive,’’ 34 th. International Power System Conference (PSC2019), 8-10 Dec. 2019, Tehran , Iran.
45- K. Firuzi, M. Vakilian, ‘’ Online Monitoring of Transformers through Simultaneous Measurement of PD using IEC 60270 and RF Technique,’’ – The sixth International Transformer Conference and Exhibition (ITCE'19), 10-11 Dec. 2019, Ministry of Energy Conference Hall, Tehran , Iran.
46- M. Hajiaghapour, N. Farzin, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’A Software for Optimum Selection of Distribution Transformer Power Rating in an Industrial Town in Ghom Province,’’ The sixth International Transformer Conference and Exhibition (ITCE'19), 10-11 Dec. 2019, Ministry of Energy Conference Hall, Tehran , Iran.
47- N. Farzin, M. Vakilian, E. Hajipour ‘’ Evaluation and Comparison of an in house Digital Differential Relay for Protection of Sub-transmission Transformers,’’ The sixth International Transformer Conference and Exhibition (ITCE'19), 10-11 Dec. 2019, Ministry of Energy Conference Hall, Tehran, Iran.
48- N. Farzin; M.Vakilian ; E. Hajipour, “ Transformer Terminal-Duality Model for Windings Tum-to-Tum Faults Simulation,” 14th International Conference on Protection and Automation of Power Systems (IPAP) ?Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2020.
49- M. Ahmadi, M. Vakilian, M. Bahrami, M. Lehtonen‘’ Application of Hardening Strategies and DG Placement to Improve Distribution Network Resilience against Earthquakes,’’ Accepted for paper presentation in virtual sessions of IEEE 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition - Latin America (T&D LA) on August 15 2020.
50-K. Azimi Hosseini, M. Hajiaghapour, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’Feasibility of Asset Management through Distribution Transformers Displacement in Distribution Networks,’’ the 7 th. International Transformer Conference, accepted and presented on 1 of Aban 1399, in Tehran, Iran.
51-E. Karami, E, Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’Power Plant Originated Double Circuit Transmission lines Protection , Realizing Relay’s Reach Reduction, under Phase to Ground Faults,’’ 15 th. International Conference in Power Systems Protection and Automation, is accepted and presented in the Conference on 2nd of January 2021, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran.
52-M. Ahmadi, M. Vakilian, M. Bahrami, M. Lehtonen‘’ Application of Hardening Strategies and DG Placement to Improve Distribution Network Resilience against Earthquakes,’’ Accepted for paper presentation in virtual sessions of IEEE 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition - Latin America (T&D LA) on August 15 2020.
53-K. Azimi Hosseini, M. Hajiaghapour, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’Feasibility of Asset Management through Distribution Transformers Displacement in Distribution Networks,’’ the 7 th. International Transformer Conference, accepted and presented on 1 of Aban 1399, in Tehran, Iran.
54-E. Karami, E, Hajipour, M. Vakilian, ‘’Power Plant Originated Double Circuit Transmission lines Protection , Realizing Relay’s Reach Reduction, under Phase to Ground Faults,’’ 15 th. International Conference in Power Systems Protection and Automation, is accepted and presented in the Conference on 2nd of January 2021, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran.
55-M. Bahrami, M. Vakilian, H. Farzin, M. Lehtonen, ‘’Pre-Flooding Island Formation in Distribution Systems Resolving Local Critical Infrastructures Interdependency’’, 25 th Electrical Power Distribution Conference (Alborz Province 18-19 May 2021), accepted for presentation on April 20, 2021.
56-A.Vasighzadeh, M. Vakilian,” A Combined Insulation Failure Identification Method Using Wavelet, Fourier Transform, and Phase Resolved Analyses of Partial Discharge Signals,” 8 th. International Transformer Conference, Accepted for presentation in the conference, Tehran, Ministry of Energy, 21 October 2021.
57-O.Mohabbatian, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian, S.J. Samadi, F. Rameshkhah, H.R. Mansouri, ‘’Forecast of Aggregated Electricity Demand of Residential Customers in Tehran Bozorg Electricity Distribution Co., Distinguishing the Types of Their Cooling Systems and their welfare,’’ 35 th. International Power System Conference, November 2021, Tehran, Iran, pp. 1-11.
58-K.Azimi Hosseini, M. Hajiaghapour, E. Hajipour, M. Vakilian,’’ Transformer Relocation in Distribution Networks: A Spatial Formulation and Optimization,’’ 35 th. International Power System Conference, November 2021, Tehran, Iran, pp. 1-7.
59-M.Hajiaghapour, K.Azimi Hosseini, E.Hajipour, M. Vakilian, "Distribution Transformer Loss-of-Life Assessment in the Presence of Cryptocurrency Mining Loads, " presented in 26th Electrical Power Distribution Conference, May 11-12, 2022, Moshanir Co., Tehran, Iran, pp.1-7.
60-K.Azimi Hosseini, M.Hajiaghapour, E.Hajipour, M. Vakilian, "The Permissible Distribution Transformer Loadings and their Coefficients for Alborz Province, Realizing the Thermal Constraints,’’ presented in 26th Electrical Power Distribution Conference, May 11-12, 2022, Moshanir Co., Tehran, Iran, pp.1-7.
61-O.Mohabbatian, E.Hajipour, M.Vakilian, S.J. Samadi, F. Rameshkhah, " Forecasting the Type of cooling loads of Residential Customers of The Large Tehran Distribution Company, for Determination of After Diversity Maximum Demand for Different Cooling Systems, " presented in 26th Electrical Power Distribution Conference, May 11-12, 2022, Moshanir Co., Tehran, Iran, pp.1-11.
62-Arman Vasighzadeh Ansari, Mehdi Vakilian, "A New Physical Philosophy to Model and Interpret Partial Discharge Phenomena,’’ Presented in 30th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 2022, pp. 1-6.
63-S.A.H. Talebi, M.Vakilian, M.Bahrami, M.Lehtonen, " Equipment Hardening Strategies to Improve Distribution System Resilience against Wildfire, " 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, 5-7 Sep., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, accepted and presented on 5 th. Of September 2022.
64-E.Karami, E.Hajipour, M.Vakilian, " Balanced Setting of Distance Relay’s Phase to Phase Loop, including Impedance Starter ’’ 17 th. International Conference in Power Systems Protection and Automation, is accepted and presented in the Conference on 25 th of January 2023, University of Shahid Beheshti- Shahid Abbaspour Campus, Tehran, Iran.
65-E.Karami, E.Hajipour, M.Vakilian, " the Challenge of Service Continuity under Cyber Attacks on High Voltage Substations: Attack on Electrical Energy Sources ’’ 17 th. International Conference in Power Systems Protection and Automation, is accepted and presented in the Conference on 25 th of January 2023, University of Shahid Beheshti- Shahid Abbaspour Campus, Tehran, Iran.
66-A.H.Akbarian, M.Bahrami, M.Vakilian, M.Lehtonen, “ Vulnerability of EV Charging stations to cyber attacks manipulating prices," FES 2023 (International Conference on Future Energy Solutions 2023), accepted on April 12, 2023 for presentation in the conference.