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Supervised Thesis

1.       Naser Barghamadi, Design and Implementation of a Virtual Load for Testing Indirect Energy-Meters, M.S. Thesis, to be defended

2.       Mohammad Mahdi Abbasi Kia, DC Link Capacitor Condition Monitoring in Single-Phase Grid Connected Solar Inverters, M.S. Thesis, to be defended

3.       Mohammad Hadi Akhbari, Design and Implementation of a Direct AC-AC Converter with Wide Input-Output Voltage Range, M.S. Thesis, , Summer 2024

4.       Yousef Hafezi, Optimal Design of Output Filter for Low Switching Frequency Multi Level Inverter of Induction Motor Drive , M.S. Thesis, Fall 2024

5.       Reza Heydari Dizaji, Design and implementation of single phase Electrolytic capacitor-less onboard EV battery charger, M.S. Thesis, Fall 2024

6.       Ali Behrooz, Capacitor condition monitoring of boost converter for PFC circuit based on machine learning methods, PhD Thesis to be defended

7.       Yasin Bayat, Post-Fault Control of Fault-Tolerant Five-Level Active Neutral Point Clamped Inverter . M.S. Thesis, Fall 2023

8.       Mohammad Kazem Saghali, Design and Implementation of a Programmable AC Load Based on 4-Leg Multilevel converter , M.S. Thesis, Fall 2023

9.       Morteza Rezaei Larijani, Intelligent Real-time Management of Energy Flows in a Connected Electric Vehicle, PhD Thesis, Spring 2024

10.   Sadra Tavakolian, Design and Implementation of a Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter, M.S. Thesis, Summer 2022

11.   Mohammad Reza Kadkhodaei, Converter design for hybrid thermoelectricity and solar energy harvesting for wearable sensors, M.S. Thesis, Summer 2022

12.   Payam Mohammadali Rezaei, Design and Implementation of a Regenerative Programmable AC Current Source, M.S Thesis, Winter 2022

13.   Mohsen Osanloo, Modification of the CLLC bidirectional converter structure to reduce the range of frequency variations, PhD Thesis, to be defended

14.   Roozbeh Ghasemizadeh, Design and Implementation of a Regenerative Programmable AC Voltage Source, M. S. Thesis, summer 2020

15.   Sadegh Akhlaghi, Model Predictive Controller Design for Regenerative Electronic AC Load, M. S. Thesis, fall 2019

16.   Diyar Aminian, Design and Implementation of a Three phase Regenerative Electronic AC Load, M. S. Thesis, fall 2019

17.   Sadra Tafaghodi, Design and Fabrication of DC-DC Buck Converter and LDO With Tunable Voltage Conversion Ratio in a Wide Range in 0.18µm-HV BCD CMOS, M. S. Thesis, summer 2019, (cosuperviser)

18.   Sajjad Kochoei, Design and implementation of protected smart high side and low side switch and drivers in 0.18 HV BCD CMOS technology, M. S. Thesis, summer 2019, (cosuperviser)

19.   Danial Sadeghpoor, Analysis and Design of a Photovoltaic DC-DC & DC-AC Converter, M. S. Thesis, winter 2019, (cosuperviser)

20.   Alireza barmaki, Design and implementation of a modular 3-ph grid connected solar inverter, M. S. Thesis, winter 2019

21.   AmirAli Davoudi,   Fault-Tolerant Operation of Three-Phase Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter Against Semiconductor Power Switches Fault, M. S. Thesis, fall 2018

22.   Farzad Yazdani, Efficiency improvement of Dual Active Bridge Isolated DC converter used in braking energy storage system of urban rail transport(metro), PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, to be completed

23.   Moein Ghadrdan, Design of Medium Voltage Multi-Level, Multi Cell Inverter with Reliability Consideration, M. S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, summer 2017

24.   S. Hamid Montazeri, Switch Fault Detection for Active Neutral-Point-Clamped (ANPC) Inverters, M. S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, fall 2017

25.   S. Saeed Mirghasemi, Design and Implementation of High P.F. Flicker Free E-capless LED Driver, M. S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, winter 2018

26.   Negar Norouzi, Performance improvement of grid-connected quasi-Z-Source photovoltaic inverter to reduce leakage currents, PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, summer 2018

27.   Mohsen Rezayati, Design and implementation of FPGA based real time simulator for power electronic converters, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. Fall 2016

28.   Manouchehr fathi, Post fault vector control of CHB driven induction motor, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. Fall 2016

29.   Hossein Kazemi, Post-Fault Control of Fault-Tolerant Multi Module Converters, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. Winter 2015

30.   Morteza Rezaei Larijani, Design and implementation Real-Time simulator for CHB converter using FPGA, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2015

31.   Saeed Haghnazari, Fast failure detection in modular multilevel converter power switches for fault tolerant operation, PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, to be completed

32.   Mohammad Amereh, Design and implementation of transformerless grid connected PV inverter with mitigating leakage currents, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2014

33.   Hamed Valipour, High Efficiency off-line light-emitting diode (LED) driver with long lifetime, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2014

34.   Abbas Komeijani, Optimum design hybrid energy storage systems in electric urban rail transport systems, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2014

35.   Saeed Ouni, Performance Improvement of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Under Faulty Conditions, PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, fall 2017

36.   Masih Khodabande, Introducing a suitable structure and control method for main component of the direct AC to AC converter, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2014

37.   Mohammad Heydari, Design hybrid storage systems for electric urban rail transport systems, , M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2013

38.   Ayoub Balador, Design of medium voltage multilevel inverter with reliability consideration, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2013

39.   M. Yazdanian, Optimum Design of a Low Speed Superconducting Synchronous Machine , PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, Summer 2013 (co-supervised)

40.   S. Tohidi, Analysis and improvement of dynamic behavior of brushless doubly fed generators in wind turbines ,PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, fall 2012 (co-supervised)

41.   M. Shahbazi, Fault tolerant converter for doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines based on five-leg converter , PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology-Nancy1 University, fall 2012 (co-supervised)

42.   J. Babaei, Design & implementation of a wide output power range, high efficiency inverter for PV application, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2012

43.   M. Hanifi, , Energy savings in the urban electrified railway using onboard storage systems, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. winter 2011

44.   P. Elhaminia, Optimum Design of magnetic circuit of Superconducting Synchronous Machine ,M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2011

45.   M. Shirazi, Balanced Three Phase Load Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Hybrid System including Wind Turbine, PV and Fuel cells ,M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2010

46.   N. Noroozi, Efficiency improvement Methods for a Buck + Boost Single stage PWM rectifier ,M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2010

47.   R. Haghi, Efficiency improvement of a PWM rectifier using soft switching and Redesign of the modified converter ,M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2010

48.   R. Beiranvand, Design and Implement of the Ion Implanters Ion Gun Power Supplies by Using the Resonant Converters ,PhD. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2010, (co-supervisor)

49.   S. Kazemloo, Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Fed by Reduced Switch Three Phase Inverter M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2009

50.   S. Ouni, Design and Simulation of a Four Switch Three Phase 6 kW Rectifier with Input Power Factor Correction, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2009

51.   Mohammadpour, Design and simulation of a three-phase single-stage power factor correction rectifier, MS. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2009

52.   H. Mousavian, Design and Implementation of a Solar Charger with Maximum Power Point Tracking Ability, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2008

53.   Sahari, Designing a Passivity Based Controller for a Three Phase PFC Rectifier, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. summer 2008

54.   Mirmousa, Simulation and Design of an Electronic Power Transformer for Distribution Systems, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. fall 2007

55.   Moallem, DSP-Based Controller Design and Implementation for a Three Phase Rectifier of a Telecommunication Power Supply with Power Factor Correction, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2007

56.   H. Mirzaei, Design and Prototyping of Three-Phase/Level/Switch VIENNA I Rectifier to Operate Under Unbalnced Mains, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2007

57.   S. Kaboli, Optimization of direct torque control method in induction motor drives to reduce torque pulsation and loss in complete set of motor and inverter PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2006

58.   V. Jalali, Design and Simulation of a High efficiency 6 kW Switching Power Supply with Input Power Factor Correction, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2006

59.   Ghafouri, Transient Stability Improvement of Power Systems Using Fuzzy Controlled STATCOM, M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2006

60.   Bassirou Sock, Digital controller using dynamic pole placement by polynomial approach for power factor correction circuit, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina A&T State University, ECE Dept, 2005 (co advisor)

61.   Clarissa Jennifer John Joseff, Thermal based current sharing of parallel converters, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina A&T State University, ECE Dept, 2004 (co advisor)

62.   P. Murphy, Predictive digital control of switching power supplies with the introduction of dead time, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina A&T State University, ECE Dept, 2004 (co advisor)

63.   Mahboubi, Design and implementation of a five level three phase voltage inverter for induction motor drive M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2003

64.   J.H. Park, Digital Control of Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Converter with Range Winding Based on LQG regulation, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina A&T State University, ECE Dept, 2003 (co advisor)

65.   H. Keyhani, Improvement of DTC induction motor drive performance using a discrete space vector modulation technique M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2003

66.   S. Abazari, Power System Transient Stability Improvement Using ASVC , PhD Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2003 (co adviser)

67.   S. Haghbin, Real time stator resistance estimation for direct torque controlled induction motor drive M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2002

68.   Hamani, Direct torque control of induction motors using multilevel inverters M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2002

69.   A.M. Rahimi, Samsung S51 switching power supply analysis and optimization M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2001

70.   Arefi, Precise control of position, speed and acceleration in AC servo motors M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2001

71.   S. Mohammadi, Static drivers for synchronous drives M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2000

72.   S.M. Sadrieh, A current source based driver for Linear Piezoelectric step motor M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2000 (co adviser)

73.   R. Maleki, Design and implementation of a PC based controlled harmonic generator M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2000 ( co adviser)

74.   M. Jokar, Static excitation of a synchronous generator M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 1999 ( co adviser)

75.   D. Dideban, Design and implementation of a virtual test bed for DC/Dc converters M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 2000 ( co adviser)

76.   B. Vafakhah, Investigation on machine modeling error on direct torque control of induction motor and proposing a modified model M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 1999

77.   H. Khademizadeh, Investigation on reduced switch inverter fed variable speed low power induction motor drive M.S. Thesis, Sharif University of technology, EE Dept. 1999

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